My MIL called to ask, "Is it working? Being mean to her?" Not that I am being mean to her on a regular basis, just the one-time here's-what-it-looks-like-to-be-around-you demonstration.
Yes, I would have to say it has. Between that and the calm two swats, repeated as necessary, Tater has had a total of ONE temper tantrum since Monday. One. We have had some fusses, yes, but no raging. Three rage-free days in a row is a record here. So yes, I would have to say it is working.
I am so glad it's working - or at least was when this was posted. How are things now? Spankings are not questionable - they are biblical, and somehow when done in love, calmly and as you described them, they help in a way that we can't always understand rationally. There is something spiritual going on. Maybe God rewards our faith in His word as well. Obviously, spanking is not a first option. But when the child refuses to listen to all the other nice options available, sometimes that's the only thing they'll listen to. Something totally basic like "ouch." Blessings. Keep up the good work and pray about every single second of it.