Is now confined to his room furnished with mattress, bedding, a bucket, and TP. Motion camera on door alerts us to any attempts to leave.
Combine RAD, FAS, ADHD, PTSD, ODD; add a lot of Prayer and Determination; simmer for a lifetime. Hope for the best.
Monday, June 22, 2015
Tweeted by @wearycook
Instead of cleaning the basement, he was down there watching hardcore porn on the iPad, bypassing the restrictions with stolen passcodes.
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
Tweeted by @wearycook
Dressed. Showered. Hid in bedroom until noon mustering up the courage to face the day. #incompatiblehats #lovingmom #watchfulguard via IFTTT
Sunday, June 14, 2015
Tweeted by @wearycook
@wearycook : It's as if he is doomed to the institution. Started in an #orphanage. Next stop #jail? #mentalhospital?
Tweeted by @wearycook
@wearycook : Yesterday he stood right in front of me and lied "yeah. Mom said I could. She wanted me to". #Infuriating.
Encouraging words
"This isn't your fault, you lifted him out of a very deep and hopeless hole and as discouraging as this is to you, you are the best thing that has ever happened to him and furthermore I love you and you are a good good mom."
In response to my sharing that, if we could find somewhere else for Garbanzo to live, he would be gone. Endless trickery, deceit, stealing, lying. It's not gotten any better, in fact worse. I am so weary of having to always be monitoring, always watching, always suspicious. If I relax at all, he escalates. It's as if he has no internal monitor, and no interest in gaining one. I love him dearly but I am so tired. I can't keep doing this.
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